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Press Release Re: Captivity Narratives


A collaborative piece written by: Tara Whiteman-Fager & Jennie Hughes


Beginning in October, Now's The Times will release "Captivity Narratives” featuring those who co-created a podcast, story, event, etc. with Tara. An event can be anything that they believe is an “event;” due to their lack of a limited belief system. Now’s The Times (tattooed (& not) ) Captivity Narratives are meant to give you a fun and creative preview of what's happening at Now's The Time Integrative Health and Wellness Coaching Center.

What's a captivity narrative?

In colonial times it was a recounting of experiences by people who were captured by Native Americans. It was told that while in captivity, abductees were often tattooed by the tribe for whatever reason, perhaps spiritual rights of passage... all details we may never know!

History also reveals that captivity narratives were written by autonomously tattooed women as a ploy for their performance. In either case, the captivity narrative was a way of explaining how the “abductee” came to look and be the way they did. Basically, telling a story of the past and present!

Although we are not using captivity narratives in a literal, historical sense - we are using it to illustrate each guests' unique presentation. A time when they were captivated by Now’s The Times moments.

For fun. Think…

Turn of the 20th century when tattooed women were emerging in these types of performance based careers earning notably higher incomes than their male counterparts. Simply by using their minds, bodies and emotionally driven imaginations. In essence, women used their feminine wiles to carry themselves to freedom.

Yes of course!

At times, unique men will also be featured in NTT's narratives!


Think vintage.

Think antiquated.

Think expressive.

Think anti-limitations; anti-stigma; anti-anything that is not laughter, love and fun with a lot of realistic, valuable wisdoms packed within.

The creation of Now's The Times Captivity Narratives is simply a way of recollecting the time and space in which guests, friends, and contributors came together to co-create and share informative, inspiring stories through the talk and tales of tattooed women (& not).

Push your thinking even further. Think transcendence!

Think circus.

Think bizarre;

Think weird as hell!

Yet how amazing STILL!

Stay tuned for upcoming features.

Want to be one of the first to see? Ok. Simply subscribe!

Want to be considered for an interview about your tattoos (or not)? Wonderful! Reach out to us! Let’s see what we can create.

Key term:

Limited Belief System

A negative thought or assumption about yourself, others or the world that prevents you from reaching your goals. A Limited Belief System can be referring to yourself or someone else. For example, "I'm not right for this job" or "You can't trust anybody."


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